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66 Negative effects from dehydration

Updated on April 13, 2023

23 Negative effects of dehydration

· Since our bodies are 70% water there would be no life

· Muscle and brain tissue would be greatly affected

· Increased headaches

· Increased fatigue

· Discoloration in the urine

· Frequent constipation

· Bloating

· Dry skin

· Dry lips

· Concerning infants there would be a lack of tears during crying episodes

· Skin that refuses to spring back after being pinched

· Problems focusing

· Vomiting

· Coma and even death

· Problems with feet and hands warming up

· Lack of urine production

· Lightheadedness

· Vertigo

· Irritability

· Confusion

· Misconception that you really are dehydrated because of drinking beverages or caffeine. Caffeine dehydrates the body.

· Bloating

· Flushed face

Unusual Dehydration Symptoms

There are some unusual symptoms that many people may not associate with dehydration and these include:

Bad Breath


Craving for sweets

Retaining Water is a sign of dehydration.This one was puzzling to me because one would think retaining water is a sign of drinking too much water.

Night foot cramps

Spiritual Dehydration

The sons of Korah who were temple musicians and assistants had a dry and thirsty soul for God that was displayed in their inward cry when they declared as the Hart pants after the water brooks so pants my soul after thee Oh God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God (Psalm 42:1-2a). A dehydrated spiritual person lacks the word of God and the Spirit of God (symbolic of water) that’s needed for them to survive the circumstances that life brings. Natural water is necessary for the natural body and because 70 – 75% of the body is made up of water, the body will die without it even sooner than it will without food.

There are many people who seem vibrant and alive on the outside but are really at the point of death on the inside. Emotionally they are dehydrated because they lack the will to get up because life has beaten them down. It has beaten them down with pain and disappointment, fear and depression, hopelessness and worry, all of which will leave a person parched and dry looking for some moisture to bring relief. Many people may spend a major part of their lives seeking after success and the things that they think will make them happy only to find out it wasn't what they thought it would be.

It was because of not understanding that most of who we are as created beings created in Gods image needs spiritual water, just as much as our physical bodies that are 70 – 75% water do. Our human spirit (who we really are) should be filled with the living water that springs up into everlasting life. This is known as being born again or being saved according to Romans 10:8 – 13.

We are all made in the image and likeness of God and when this very important area of our lives is not filled, we become spiritually dehydrated. Jesus talked about this living water to a thirsty woman who met him at Jacobs well in John the fourth chapter. Jesus told her that if she drank of the water that he would give her that she would never thirst again.

She thought he was talking about natural water that could only satisfy the body, but he was talking about the spiritual water that could satisfy the body soul (mind will emotions) and spirit of men and women. Spiritual dehydrated people look for other people or things to satisfy their thirst just as this woman was thirsty for relationship. She had five husbands and a boyfriend but was still dehydrated because only being spiritually hydrated can help one enjoy the things of life. The bible says that God has given us all things richly to enjoy and Jesus said in John 10:10 that he came that we may have life and life more abundantly or to the full.

The 25 negative effects of dehydration are studies of what happens when the body does not hydrate adequately, but a lack of the spirit of God as well as the word of God can also produce similar results. One of the 25 points explains that water helps to reduce constipation and improves urination. These toxins can make a person sick if they remain in the body. Many people keep things inside and can never go forward with life because of their past, but becoming spiritually hydrated helps the process of elimination to take place because a person learns to cast all of their cares and anxieties on Jesus because he cares for us (1 Peter 5:7).

Keeping bitterness and resentment in, are toxins that can make the body sick both naturally and spiritually. Remain spiritually hydrated through daily prayer and the study of the word of God.Attend and fellowship in a faith based bible believing church and stay in right relationship with people and walk in obedience to the bible.

38 more effects of Dehydration

40 negative effects of dehydration

Dehydration occurs when the body loses more fluids than it takes in, resulting in an insufficient amount of water in the body. This can have numerous negative effects on overall health and well-being. Here are 38 potential negative effects of dehydration:

  1. Fatigue: Dehydration can cause a drop in blood volume, leading to reduced oxygen and nutrient delivery to cells, resulting in fatigue and lethargy.
  2. Thirst: Thirst is the body's way of signaling that it needs more water. Dehydration can cause excessive thirst.
  3. Dry mouth and throat: Dehydration can cause dryness of the mouth and throat, leading to discomfort and difficulty in swallowing.
  4. Dizziness: Reduced blood volume due to dehydration can cause a drop in blood pressure, leading to dizziness and lightheadedness.
  5. Headache: Dehydration can trigger headaches, including tension headaches and migraines.
  6. Weakness: Dehydration can cause muscle weakness and reduced physical performance.
  7. Cramping: Dehydration can lead to muscle cramps, especially during physical activity.
  8. Constipation: Lack of sufficient water in the body can result in harder and drier stools, leading to constipation.
  9. Dark urine: Dehydration can cause concentrated urine, which may appear dark in color and have a strong odor.
  10. Reduced urine output: Dehydration can decrease urine production, leading to reduced frequency and volume of urination.
  11. Increased heart rate: Dehydration can cause an increase in heart rate as the body tries to compensate for reduced blood volume.
  12. Dry skin: Dehydration can result in dry, flaky skin and may exacerbate skin conditions like eczema.
  13. Sunken eyes: Dehydration can cause a hollowed or sunken appearance of the eyes due to loss of moisture.
  14. Poor concentration and cognitive function: Dehydration can impair cognitive function, including concentration, memory, and problem-solving skills.
  15. Mood changes: Dehydration can affect mood and lead to irritability, mood swings, and anxiety.
  16. Increased risk of heat-related illness: Dehydration can increase the risk of heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke, especially during hot weather or intense physical activity.
  17. Reduced athletic performance: Dehydration can impair athletic performance, including endurance, strength, and coordination.
  18. Electrolyte imbalance: Dehydration can disrupt the balance of electrolytes in the body, including sodium, potassium, and magnesium, which are essential for nerve and muscle function.
  19. Increased risk of kidney stones: Dehydration can lead to concentrated urine, increasing the risk of forming kidney stones.
  20. Increased risk of urinary tract infections: Dehydration can reduce urine production, increasing the risk of urinary tract infections by allowing bacteria to multiply in the urinary tract.
  21. Increased risk of bladder infections: Dehydration can lead to reduced bladder emptying, increasing the risk of bladder infections.
  22. Increased risk of respiratory infections: Dehydration can impair the mucous membranes in the respiratory tract, making them more susceptible to infections.
  23. Reduced immune function: Dehydration can weaken the immune system, making the body more vulnerable to infections and illnesses.
  24. Increased risk of constipation: Dehydration can lead to harder and drier stools, increasing the risk of constipation.
  25. Impaired digestion: Dehydration can affect digestion by reducing saliva production and impairing the breakdown of food in the stomach.
  26. Increased risk of gastrointestinal issues: Dehydration can increase the risk of gastrointestinal issues, including acid reflux, stomach ulcers, and gastritis.
  27. Dental problems: Dehydration can reduce saliva production, leading to dry mouth and an increased risk of dental problems, such as bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease.


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